Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Don't Want to Sell? 11 Ways To Scare Away Buyers

My husband and I bought our first and only home in 2005, about a year away from the peak of the market in our area. We had a blast looking for homes, but opted to buy a brand new home in the end. The market was red hot back then, and we were still turned off by some things we saw. Today there is no room for error when attracting potential buyers. So unless you don't want to sell, avoid these common mistakes:

1. A Dirty House: Dirt and clutter is BAD.

2. Foul Odors: Nothing will turn off potentials more than an odd stench.

3. Old Fixtures: It doesn't cost much to go to Home Depot and replace those old knobs or new ceiling fans. But old fixtures could cost you a sell.

4. Wallpaper: Just remove it all.

5. Popcorn Ceilings: Nothing shouts "old house" like those popcorn acoustic ceilings.

6. Personal-Item-Overload: You want the buyer to picture themselves living in your home. Take down your pictures and collections. This also goes along with #1: de-cluttering.

7. Nosy Sellers: Nothing makes a buyer more uncomfortable looking at house than having the seller be there. Make it comfortable for them and stay out of sight or preferrably out of the house.

8. Hyping Up Your Home: Nothing kills a sell like misrepresenting your home's features. Be honest when listing your house.

9. No Curb Appeal: The outside of your home makes the first impression. A dead or overgrown lawn will hinder sales.

10. Clutter: This is mentioned twice above and I will list it alone. Get rid of CLUTTER. Think like a minimalist.

11. Pets: Agents and potential buyers won't appreciate trying to fight off a 100 pound akita trying to lick their face. Keep the pets away.

In summary, the key to selling your home is remove yourself. Your personal items, and you have to move out of the way and let the buyer in! How else will they feel comfortable taking a peek into your closets, and making criticisms? Give them their space and don't make them feel like they are violating yours.

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