Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Go Green and Save!
Get to Know Your Local Farmer
I visited Tanaka Farms, an organic farm in my area, with my son last week. We took a tour on a wagon, ate fresh veggies and picked strawberries off the vine. We loved it. We saved money buying locally grown produce, it was safer to eat without the harsh chemicals and pesticides, and it tasted SO GOOD! Buying directly from the farm what was in season was much cheaper than buying organic at the grocery store.
Check out to see if your area has Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). You buy directly from the farms and have a weekly share of the produce each week. This will save you even more.
Home-Made Beauty Products
Oh how I love a trip to the spa! Unfortunately it does not agree with my budget. Your skin, hair, and nails do not have to suffer. Pamper yourself at home! Look up home made beauty products and break out the eggs, yogurt, and olive oil. It is fun and nearly free. I'll post a few simple recipes that I found below:
1. Hot Oil Treatment: 1 cup organic olive oil (use more or less depending on hair length)
This is the simplest and most effective remedies to dry hair and you can do it often. Before shampooing, massage the olive oil into your hair and wrap it in a towel for 20-30 minutes.
2. Hair Moisture Mix
1 1/2 cups of plain organic yogurt
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 organic egg yolk
1/4 tsp organic olive oil
Mix the ingredients in a glass bowl until it reached a creamy consistency. Apply generously to your hair, starting at the scalp. Massage into your hair and scalp. Discard any left over mask (or use it to massage your hands). Leave the mixture on for around twenty minutes.
Soft Hand and Feet:
1. Socks + Lotion = Soft Feet
Favorite Natural Lotion or Coconut Oil
Saran Wrap or towel
Pair of old warm sock
After a warm shower, slather your hands with your favorite natural lotion or coconut oil. Wrap your hands with either saran wrap or a very thin tea towel. Pull on a sock on each hand and relax for 5-10 minutes.
I have a special trash bin for this. So I have no excuse not to recycle. I gather up my plastic bottles, cartons, and cardboard and stick them in the bin with the grey lid. It is as easy as it could be and I feel good separating out my recyclables.
No More Bottled Water!
This is just terrible for the environment, and in many cases, we are drinking bottled tap water and paying 100x more for it. Buy a water filter like Brita, or drink from the fridge. You will save money and help the world.
Bag It Up the Green Way
When grocery shopping, consider bagging your own groceries in cloth, reusable bags. I keep my "green" shopping bags in my trunk. I admit, I forgot to bring them into the store or back out to my car many times. But when I do use them on my shopping trip instead of the plastic bags, I feel so accomplished. You may end up spending less if you know your space is limited. Just maybe. :)
Turn Up the Savings
Raising your thermostat a few degrees this summer can make a significant impact on your wallet. In the winter lower your thermostat three degrees. You'll hardly notice the difference until your bill comes! Whenever possible, use a fan.
A Clean Commute
With the cost of gas these day I recommend that you arrange a carpool, use public transportation or bike to work. Better yet, Telecommute if possible. You'll be surprised at how much you can get done with no distractions. I telecommute 4 days out of the week and LOVE IT.
If you must drive, improve your gas mileage by keeping your tires inflated and driving the speed limit.
That's should be plenty to get started with... let me know how it goes, and share your tips for going green and saving money.
Don't Want to Sell? 11 Ways To Scare Away Buyers
1. A Dirty House: Dirt and clutter is BAD.
2. Foul Odors: Nothing will turn off potentials more than an odd stench.
3. Old Fixtures: It doesn't cost much to go to Home Depot and replace those old knobs or new ceiling fans. But old fixtures could cost you a sell.
4. Wallpaper: Just remove it all.
5. Popcorn Ceilings: Nothing shouts "old house" like those popcorn acoustic ceilings.
6. Personal-Item-Overload: You want the buyer to picture themselves living in your home. Take down your pictures and collections. This also goes along with #1: de-cluttering.
7. Nosy Sellers: Nothing makes a buyer more uncomfortable looking at house than having the seller be there. Make it comfortable for them and stay out of sight or preferrably out of the house.
8. Hyping Up Your Home: Nothing kills a sell like misrepresenting your home's features. Be honest when listing your house.
9. No Curb Appeal: The outside of your home makes the first impression. A dead or overgrown lawn will hinder sales.
10. Clutter: This is mentioned twice above and I will list it alone. Get rid of CLUTTER. Think like a minimalist.
11. Pets: Agents and potential buyers won't appreciate trying to fight off a 100 pound akita trying to lick their face. Keep the pets away.
In summary, the key to selling your home is remove yourself. Your personal items, and you have to move out of the way and let the buyer in! How else will they feel comfortable taking a peek into your closets, and making criticisms? Give them their space and don't make them feel like they are violating yours.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Modern Debt Relief, Inc. Launches New Website
Click on the above link to read our press Release
Saturday, June 13, 2009 has pre-screened all agencies that offer services to our members. This eliminates the hassle of searching high and low to find the right company to serve you and your family. This article outlines the top reasons to become a member of our debt relief service network.
1. We offer a wide selection of debt relief resources and articles for free. It is easy and free to become a member of Modern Debt Relief. As a member you will gain access to debt management and financial articles, events, and discounts. Financial tools are also available to help you track your goals and manage your finances. Member and Provider forums allow you to connect with others and exchange ideas to promote wealth.
2. We do a background check on all debt relief companies before listing them on our site. Don’t be pressured by an agency that insists on signing you up on the spot, or over the phone with only a sales spiel. By logging into your account on Modern Debt Relief, you will be able to trust that the company you choose is legitimate.
3. We offer educational materials and forums to our members. Our primary goal is to offer high quality services to our members and exceed their expectations. Not only will you receive great rates on services as a member, but you will also have access to great articles and member forums.
4. We pass great savings on to our members. The agencies in our referral network offer Modern Debt Relief members discounts on their services. As a member, you could save hundreds of dollars off of loan modifications and legal services!
5. Our service providers can answer member's general questions before they choose to attain their service. Members contact the provider by email and will be contacted before agreeing to purchase services.
6. There is no minimum amount of debt for you to take advantage of Modern Debt Relief's services. No matter how much debt you have, there will be something of value on
7. We will not sell your name or address to outside parties. Your information will always be kept confidential between you,, and our service providers.
8. Our customer service team is top-notch. Contact us by phone or email and will answer your questions, comments, and concerns as soon as possible.